Friday 8 February 2008

First Group endangers passengers

Users of the Malakoff bus station in St Ives cannot fail to be aware of the dangers of straying beyond the barriers behind which passengers are expected to stand while waiting for a bus. The St Ivean has seen people quite rightly admonished by First Group staff for ignoring the warning signs.So it is hardly clever of the bus company to allow some of its drivers to force passengers to walk from buses across the bus station instead of dropping them where it is safe.

But that is what sometimes happens if a bus arrives a few minutes early giving the driver a few minutes break. He or she parks the bus in the far corner of the station instead of reversing to the barrier. Passengers then have to walk across the bus area to the safety of the queue area and the pavement.

Nobody would want to deprive First Group's drivers of their break or time for a cigarette, but should it, The St Ivean asks, be at the expense of the safety of their passengers?