Monday, 17 March 2008

So, where are all the progressives?

The eviction of Polish migrant workers from premises in Penzance is one of those issues that tests the mettle of progressives. It concerns matters of fundamental human rights, of decency, of concern and support for the vulnerable, and of solidarity.

For progressive politicians it throws down the gauntlet of the challenge of supporting a cause that is probably a vote loser. So it calls for some political courage.

Which brings us to Mr Andrew George MP and Mr Dick Cole.(The St Ivean will turn to the Labour and Tory parties at a later date). Mr George "believes it is his role to seek out the silent voices." Well, you can't get much more silent than a Polish migrant worker with limited English and being ejected onto the streets of Penzance.

There are three reasons why Mr George might be expected to be championing this cause. As a Liberal/radical/progressive (he has been heard to claim all three descriptions); as a member of a party that believes in the EU and the free movement of workers etc; and as a member of an oppressed minority (his view, not ours). Only two weeks ago he was calling for a Cornwall public holiday.

Which brings us dreckly to Mebyon Kernow's leader, Mr Dick Cole. MK, "is a party of principle, campaigning for a better deal for Cornwall and a fairer, more equitable World." The party exists "to fight for ALL the people of Cornwall". Whether that includes Polish migrant workers in Penzance is doubtful but, if not, surprising for a party carrying the banner of an oppressed minority (again, their view, not ours).

Although, if anyone can show The St Ivean the last time MK had anything to say remotely touching the life of the man or woman on the Penzance omnibus, they will receive as a reward a lifetime's supply of pasties (fanciful constitutional proposals not allowed, but a real bread-and-butter issue like The St Ivean's recent suggestion for discounted fares for people living in Cornwall on income support, is certainly allowed).

Of course, it's always possible that Mr George and Mr Cole have been discreetly doing their bit to represent the migrants. If so, they should share it with us. This is an issue not just for today but for a future when we can expect to have a sizeable minority of migrants living permanently amongst us.

This is an issue both men should be publicly embracing. They should state their position now. The fact that they are not so doing raises serious doubts about their progressive credentials.