Tuesday, 18 March 2008

A website for St Ives Town Council

It seems that St Ives Town Council is at last likely to get a website, several years after The St Ivean proposed the idea and resurrected it in February. In that same post, The St Ivean suggested that the Green members on the Council might bring in some changes. So it appears.

The Town Clerk, Malcolm Veal, is about to retire. The St Ivean here wishes him a happy retirement and thanks him for his many years of service to the town.

Yesterday afternoon, The St Ivean sent an email to St Ives Town Councillor Tim Andrewes (West Cornwall Green Party). asking him to obtain copies of the Council's recent budgets - the just announced charge is above the rate of inflation and the government Council Tax cap of 5%. Two hours later the budget statements were delivered by Tim to The St Ivean's door!

On the other hand, The St Ivean is still awaiting a reply to a query put to a Liberal Democrat member of the Town Council. And that was two years ago. This time, and just this time, that councillor shall remain nameless.