Monday, 14 April 2008

Sorry, but no new Tory Dawn for St Ives after all

Over coming months, The St Ivean will be reporting on the fortunes - and certainly the misfortunes - of Conservatives in St Ives. And what better start could one hope for than the story of Councillor Dawn Parry, a member of Weston Town Council and unitary authority.

The Weston & Somerset Mercury has just reported how Councillor Parry - a singer - has failed to be selected as Conservative candidate for no less than three parliamentary seats - one being St Ives for whose fortunate folk Councillor Parry threatened 'a new Dawn for St Ives'. And now there are no more vacant seats in the South West. As another Weston councillor put it: "It sounds like she cannot wait to get out of Weston."

Councillor Parry has trashed her 'a new Dawn for St Ives' promise from her website (there's a picture, though, of the Councillor training for her Westminster ambitions by scaling the north face of the Eiger), but it's all there in the cached original. Enjoy.