Wednesday 20 February 2008

Only a BNP supporter could condone this policy

The St Ivean has learned that not one but three properties were the target of Penwith District Council's dawn raid on Polish migrants (yesterday's post).

What we should not overlook in this shameful affair is that the men and women being turned into the street at dawn are workers. And as Katrina Islam, Penwith's housing advice co-ordinator, was quick to point out, "People from the new European A8 countries, like Poland, need to have been working for 12 months here and be properly registered before we can consider them [for housing]."

Putting people out into the street at dawn may also have the effect of putting them out of work. It's not at all easy to turn up at your place of work in such circumstances, or if you suddenly find yourself living on the streets. So a migrant's whole existence is undermined. (Incidentally, if Mr Turnbull, Penwith's senior environmental health officer, is really serious about counting migrants on dawn raids, he should consider getting out of bed a little earlier. Given the work most migrants do, they are likely to be off out to work at 7 am).

As the blogger mudhook points out, A Polish Dawn, it's difficult to reconcile being ejected on to the streets after a dawn raid as somehow protecting one's welfare.

Only a dedicated British National Party supporter could condone this policy.